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5 Barriers to Starting My Business and How I Overcame Them

Updated: Jan 22, 2020

Wooohoooooo! I finally launched my business, website, and my doors are open for new life coaching clients. It took some effort, but these were my main barriers to this moment and what I did to combat them!

1. "I have so many interest, but don't know what to do with my life."

We've all been here and I have been sitting on this statement for over 2 years. I was caught up in the vast dark space of the unknown wanting clarity on what I wanted to do. Mentally, I shifted from I don't know to what I know. I wrote down my values, interest, and connected it to the ways in which I wanted to contribute in the world.

We always grow more of what we focus on... the more we focus on the unknown, the deeper we will go in it; alternatively, the more we focus on what we know and what we want, the more we are able to realize it and make it our reality! #YourThoughtsAreYourReality

2. "I want to launch my own personal life coaching business, but is this the really for me? Can I actually add value to other people's life?"

This was fear creeping in and tricking me into believing that I was not good enough. When these doubts creeped in, I focused heavily on my WHY!

Why do I want to be a personal life coach? Easy... I want to live in a happier world where the people around me are loving themselves deeply, courageously connecting with their passions and the people around them, and consistently growing towards their best version of themselves. We are #LIMITLESS in our capabilities and I want to support others in their journey towards realizing their goals!

Our WHYs keep us grounded. It's what keeps us uprooted especially when there's a storm all around us.

3. "This is too complicated. I've never done this before. I don't know what to do."

This was all too real for me, especially as I was developing my brand and my website. I don't have a marketing or a technical background, yet I have a skillset that I know will get me the tools I need to get err' done... RESOURCEFULNESS! Through this skillset, I asked multiple people I trusted for advice and guidance as well as conducted a ton of research.

We may not always know the answer, but it's important to pull out the skill of resourcefulness in order to figure out the solution. It's the ultimate tool in our toolkit! #BeResourceful

4. "I heard entrepreneurship can be lonely. I don't want to do it on my own."

I love working toward goals with others and collaborating is so much fun. I was hesitant to even start the process because I did not have an official partner or team to do it with. Yet, early on I realized that I was not alone, I had friends, family, and a significant other who kept me accountable. I found the right people to bounce ideas off of, and ask for advice.

Ultimately, nothing truly ever gets accomplished all by ourselves. EVER. It takes a team effort to get us to our goals and it is important to display gratitude to those that have helped you get there. #DisplayGratitude

5. "What if my business fails?"

This has been the ultimate killer of my ideas and what has stopped me from taking action towards turning my ideas into reality. Ultimately, this goes down to the insecurity of, "If my idea fails, then am I a failure?" The answer, I've discovered, is "No, even if this doesn't go as planned, I am far from a failure. If anything, I'm courageous for even trying!"

There's no real failure, other than not trying. All attempts towards our goals should be applauded and celebrated! If and when failure occurs, because it will, it should be taken as an opportunity for growth. Growth is always positive! #OnwardsAndUpwards

Hope this was insightful. :D

Let's continue to love, connect, and grow with one another! <3

-Life Coach Cat

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Dec 12, 2018

Proud of you Cat! :)

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