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6 Lessons from a Newbie Scuba Diver.

Updated: Jan 22, 2020

Captured at Chumphon Pinnacles in Koh Toa!

Looking to step out of your comfort zone, gain more self trust, and explore a whole new world? Scuba diving may just be the next adventure for you! 💙

Here are a couple of tips and lessons I learned during my first year of diving.

1. Corals and its inhabitants are some of the most magnificent ecosystems in the world. As you are exploring and admiring them, respect the space between you and the corals. They are sensitive and can easily be damaged. The space will also protect you from getting scratched up underwater. 🐠

2. Mentally prepare yourself before a dive. Take normal breaths and remain as calm as possible. Breath out fear and breathe in confidence. During the dive turn up the internal volume of your own self assurance, confidence, & praise. When you're underwater your thoughts will be the only thing you hear outside of the air you're breathing from the tank. 👀

3. Diving is a team sport! You should always have a buddy when you're diving. You and your buddy are responsible for each other's pre-dive buddy check and for each other during the dive. Be aware of where your buddy is and stay within eye view distance. Talking is impossible underwater, so you'll be relying on hand signals to communicate. Make sure to practice before heading down. 👌🏾

My dive instructor, Harry, and me, after my first dive!

4. Your breathing and the air inside your lungs are an extension of your buoyancy device. The more air you maintain in your lungs, the more buoyant you will be. The less air you have in your lungs, the more you will sink. Learn to control the amount of air in your lungs so you can control your movements underwater. 🎈

5. It's harder to blame problems on anything outside of yourself underwater. As I was ascending to the surface on one of my dives, I was low on air (not OUT of air) and I started to mentally freak out. All of a sudden my mouth kept getting filled with salt water. I thought there was something wrong with my tank but I just didn't close my mouth tight enough around the mouth piece. I created my own problem and no one could have helped me but me. 🤷🏾‍♀️

6. Last but not least, don't potty when the boat is at a stop still. There could be divers right below ascending and they certainly don't want to be the person receiving your sh*t. 💩

Comment below with your tips, advice, comments, or questions. Happy diving! 😸

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