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Illuminating The Goddess Within Me

I truly didn't understand that I had a Goddess within me until I was 26 going on 27.⁣

  • Prior to my 27th birthday, I was in back to back long term relationships with good men who I sought safety, comfort, stability, and love.⁣

  • I leaned on their support, words of encouragement, and love to feel worthy and powerful.⁣

  • At 26, I realized that this type of dependency was unhealthy and I needed to break this pattern!⁣

  • I broke up a four year long relationship I was in at the time and made a promise to myself that I was going to be single for at least a year and really discover who I was versus the identity I held in the romantic relationships I was in.⁣

  • I hired a life and fitness coach, I solo traveled the world, I spent time with family and friends who have known me all my life, I read, and I took the time to get to know me.⁣

The result of all that was the discovery of the Goddess that had been living inside me this whole time.⁣

  • A Goddess that fuels my power to love, live, laugh, and learn.⁣

  • A Goddess that reminds me that when I fail, I am one step closer to achieving.⁣

  • A Goddess that grounds me with the knowledge that I am more than enough.⁣

⁣Illuminating this Goddess has inspired me to live in alignment with my truth and because of that I am grateful.⁣ Have you discovered the Goddess within you?⁣

  • If you haven't then it's time to illuminate her!⁣

  • If you have, let's get to know her on an even deeper level!⁣⁣

  • Join us for the Illuminate Within Group Coaching Program, where our first 4 weeks will be focused on Illuminating The Goddess Within.⁣

If you're ready to take steps towards growing your self love, join us in our 12 weeks of self love journey- Illuminate From Within! We begin this Wednesday, 08/12 at 5pm PT!

Love and Light Always! Love Coach Cat

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